ai iridian

AI promises to be the boost for advertising

For Nicolas Vasquez, Creative and Strategic Director of Iridian, AI will be one of the major drivers of advertising, with the momentum of human creativity.

The much-feared moment has arrived. The science fiction movies we once saw as distant, with resounding technology, are now a reality. And despite the fear it instills and its prominent position in the news, it is time to understand how this tool will become our best ally.

This is a reality: it is time to assume and adopt AI. Such is the case of Revista Fucsia, which gathered the best creatives, a team of over five individuals, who brought to life the first cover entirely made by AI. What many perceived as fear is now marking historic milestones in Colombia.

It is precisely that creative, human drive which will be the turning point for AI, transforming it from a bogeyman into the quintessential creativity tool in industries like advertising.

“This is a reality check that has arrived, catching many off guard while others saw it coming naturally because we knew that with the speed at which technology evolves, this was bound to happen. Therefore, beyond rejecting this new scenario, it is important, imperative even, that we discuss the opportunities this opens up for industries like advertising. And here is where the discussion becomes relevant: how will we use AI in our creative processes to be more profitable and not perish in the attempt?” mentions Nicolás Vásquez, Creative Director of Iridian.

Indeed, AI is already positively impacting the effectiveness and productivity of companies that apply it. “In the case of Iridian, it has made us more agile and effective. It has made execution times shorter but the solutions we present are more effective because, starting from a creative idea from the team, it is possible to create a more accurate and visual proposal, generating greater recall.”

Hence arises the importance of learning from AI because the tool itself is obsolete. Beyond fearing AI, professionals in the advertising industry, and others, will need to become experts in manipulating the tool. “It is important to understand how content has evolved through stories, and how those stories we are telling will connect with what we are creating, how those four generations coexisting in the digital environment will hear what we have to say.”

Therefore, merging the knowledge a publicist has about their audiences with the creative process of AI will not only positively impact the business but also the campaigns. “On social media, we all have 3 seconds to connect. The way to do it is by generating liquid content that adapts to any format. And how is it achieved? By thinking about what conversation I want to be part of and how I can create value. From there, a concept will be born that can coexist on any platform. A clear example is Mario Bros, which has a powerful narrative universe that can be applied in different contexts. Hundreds of examples have emerged from AI in which Mario’s conversation is transferred across various platforms, making it very visible and multifaceted.”

All this knowledge will ultimately differentiate AI professionals and allow them to “survive” the jobs that AI will surely begin to replace. “AI is far from taking over the role of creatives; however, it is their responsibility to learn and merge with the tool. As designers, advertisers, editors, we have experienced hundreds of technological changes and industry shifts, becoming indispensable as we learn how to create synergy between the tool and human talent,” concluded Iridian’s Creative Director.

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